Benefits of digital twin
Why digital twin boosts your effectiveness?
You process visual information effectively
Digital twin boosts your effectiveness because of your way of processing information. You may have noticed the same observation as behavioral studies: visuals make complex processes more tangible, improving comprehension, problem-solving, and performing tasks efficiently.
You communicate easily with the port community
GISGRO is a tool for running your business with visual management. It is a Lean management system methodology for continuous process optimisation and improvement. With visual management, you can provide a situational view of processes and communicate information across teams, departments, and management. By making information more visible, teams work more efficiently and with fewer human errors.
You find information intuitively
Besides visuality, intuitive use is another powerful element of the digital twin. You find information easily from GISGRO by selecting the correct asset or port area the information concerns. Every information you record on GISGRO, like notes, tasks, contracts, and plans, can be found easily by clicking a “real-world” location on the digital twin.
GISGRO helps you to stay on top of your port’s daily work.
Want to know more about GISGRO?
Ville Mäkeläinen
+358 44 513 2222