Digitalisation of seaports: benefits of online platform in port asset management

Port asset management concerns all departments and teams in an organisation of a seaport. When various types of stakeholders handle operations, it is especially important to ensure all valuable information is easily available for everyone despite expertise, time, or location.

One solution for tackling this challenge is an online asset management platform, where all asset data is in one place, in coordinates, and available for everyone involved at all times.

Centralised information, facilitated planning, and improved communication are the main reasons why using an online platform for port asset management is beneficial.

In this article, we demonstrate these benefits using an online platform GISGRO, which is a cloud-based software for managing, sharing, and utilising asset data easily and efficiently in ports.

In GISGRO, the asset data is gathered into a digital twin of the port – in other words, the digital counterpart of the asset on the screen looks the same and has the same scale and coordinates as the actual port.

Read on to learn about an online platform’s benefits and use cases in port asset management.

Benefits of a cloud platform for ports

Up-to-date data helps to make better decisions. This is why having up-to-date data accessible for all relevant people, anywhere and at all times, is important. This is possible in a cloud platform and offers various benefits to enhance port asset management.


  • Increased efficiency due to all relevant people having access to all asset data and communicating in one place, anywhere, and anytime in the cloud. No need for a certain expertise or special software.
  • Optimised asset operations due to easy-to-use data utilisation tools, such as measurements, bathymetric charts, volume calculations, polylines, and more. Possibility to connect the 3D asset data with other data sources, such as AIS or weather data.
  • Decreased maintenance costs due to an optimised maintenance cycle enabled by up-to-date and accessible asset information.


  • Improved safety and extended asset life-cycle enabled by asset operations and maintenance optimisation.
  • Optimised planning and design projects enabled by utilisation of online CAD tools and by the usage of the platform in smooth project communication between different teams.
  • Enhanced innovation due to easy information sharing and improved possibilities to use the asset data for analysis and improvements. 



GISGRO as a database

Ports and harbors all over the world often face similar challenges. The infrastructure can be decades or even centuries old, and the information about structures and properties is scattered in different databases, often in paper format.

Finding the right information about a certain area from these scattered storage files can take days and cause loads of extra work. Using GISGRO as a database, combining various information about areas and facilities into digital format creates huge possibilities for improving efficiency.

”We have the possibility to store and manage all survey data easily in GISGRO online-service, where we can independently access all survey data. This service lets us view, analyse and utilise the data for maintenance planning and budgeting in all phases of structures’ life-cycle.”

Jouni Hildén, Technical Planning Manager | Port of Turku


Example: GISGRO as an asset data bank

GISGRO in planning and maintenance

From everyday maintenance to big construction projects, all efficient operations require up-to-date information about the condition of the structures and the area, as well as the current situation of the port.

Uploading georeferenced survey data from above and below the water line into a visual online platform creates a digital twin of your port. This enables various opportunities for optimising port planning and maintenance operations.

For example, port operations can be guided directly from the platform, bringing cost savings due to saved time. When all asset data is in coordinates, it is easy to communicate with maintenance personnel about the needed work. To enhance the optimisation opportunities, you can bring and integrate valuable data to GISGRO, such as information about traffic and weather.

“Our technical team and traffic services use GISGRO widely in daily operations. Tools such as work orders for maintenance personnel and ship allocation planning in traffic services facilitate our everyday work at the port.”

Ville Kuitunen, Sales Manager | Port of HaminaKotka


”The overall view in GISGRO simplifies the planning and implementation of targeted maintenance actions. In GISGRO, we can compare the datasets so we can quickly and easily see if unexpected changes have occurred.”

Mats Ekman, Project Manager | Port of Stockholm

GISGRO improving communication

Having a digital twin of your assets means you have more possibilities to visualise plans and communicate more easily. When all asset data is in one harbor management software, everyone involved has quick and easy access to needed information.

Visual 3D data is much more descriptive than written reports, so the message is clear even if the stakeholders have different backgrounds. In addition, a map-based digital twin is a user-friendly platform for searching and finding information.

“When we have all of our assets in GISGRO, enriched with additional data, we will be able to use it in every aspect of port operations from maintenance to sales. It does not only improve our communication internally and between different departments in the port, but also with customers and other stakeholders.”

Ville Kuitunen, Sales Manager | Port of HaminaKotka



Want to know more about GISGRO?

Book an online demo meeting with our expert to discuss more GISGRO benefits for your port.

Ville Mäkeläinen GISGRO

Ville Mäkeläinen
+358 44 513 2222


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